Marie's crazy.............
Marie told me that she did not "do" ribbon work - well, I don't know what you call this then!!!

I do love Marie's work - her stitches are "expansive" and free............
...............her fabrics are luscious and rich....................Marie uses any and everything to embellish her crazy - here she has used an old shoe buckle..........
................very effective button hole wheels........
............ a close up of her work.....................
As I said before - oh my hat ! - her button collection.............Wheatear stitch with pearls and colonial knots..........
.......... a vintage bow and buckle ..................
more of Marie's beautiful work.........
..............yellow feather and a beaded flower..............
Marie adds so much to the club - she is so very genorous sharing her bits and bobs with all in the class.
Thanks Marie
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