Lyn's beautiful crazy quilting

I enjoy working with wool, I find it very "forgiving".
My wool does not normally look so neat and tidy - this box had just been opened!

Lyn came to my workshops in Caboolture last year and completed her project at the Patchwork Angel.

I am so pleased that I got to work with Lyn right to the end.

As you can see from her work, Lyn, is a very organised and neat person.

She is lovely to have in a class; calm, friendly and easy going.

Her work goes to prove that slowly, slowly wins the race.

Each seam treatment is clean and contained. Fresh!

And beautiful.

As I say, over and over, colour is everything. If your colour palette is good you are 90% there.

And isn't Lyn's colour scheme gorgeous?

It was so great having you back in the workshops, Lyn. On a purely selfish level, I loved seeing it to the end.

Thank you for allowing me to share you very beautiful work.
Hope to catch up soon.
Jenny C


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